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Acceptable Use of IT
Online Communication & ICT Use:
Important Guidelines
We understand that online channels are an important way for parents and carers to communicate with, or about, our school. To ensure a positive and respectful environment, please take note of the following:
Official School Communication Channels
Facebook: Our official school page
Class Dojo: Main and class stories
When Communicating with the School
✔ Be respectful towards staff, parents, and pupils at all times
✔ Raise concerns or complaints through the school’s official channels, following our complaints procedure
✖ Parents must not:
Use private groups, the school’s Facebook or Dojo pages, or personal social media to complain about or criticise staff or the school. Concerns should be raised privately through teachers, SLT, or our complaints policy.
Use social media to discuss behaviour issues involving other pupils—please contact the school directly.
Upload or share photos or videos of children other than your own without parental consent.
Pupil ICT & Internet Use in School
IT is an integral part of school learning with technology utilised in the teaching of all subjects.
To keep pupils safe online, they must:
✔ Always ask a teacher before using laptops or iPads
✔ Only visit appropriate websites
✔ Tell a teacher immediately if they see something upsetting or inappropriate
✔ Use technology responsibly
✖ Pupils must not:
Go on social media (unless instructed as part of a lesson)
Use chat rooms or open unknown emails/links
Use mean or rude language online
Share inappropriate photos, videos, or livestreams
Share passwords or log in under someone else’s name
Use AI tools (e.g., ChatGPT, Google Bard) to create and submit work as their own
Parental Responsibility
Parents are expected to discuss these guidelines with their child to support safe and responsible ICT use.
Thank you for your support in maintaining a respectful, safe, and positive online environment for everyone.