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Free Readers!

Some children in year 3 are now ready to be on 'free readers' rather than phonics books. This is because of their fantastic progress and their great fluency in reading. Your child may have already brought a free reader book home and you may have noticed it's a much longer book than the colour banded books. Free reader books are to encourage and inspire a love of reading and are for enjoyment. If your child isn't enjoying the book they've selected, they don't have to complete it and can switch it for a more suitable choice. When reading with your child, please concentrate on the colour banded book and ask questions to further their understanding. Free reader books can be enjoyed by your child independently (if you wish) and at their own leisure. They only have to be read once and your child is welcome to keep it for as long as they need to.

If you have any questions about reading, please don't hesitate to ask your child's teacher.


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