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London Fun

Updated: Jul 15, 2020

As this was our final week of learning about the Great Fire of London, we created a London fact file. We focused on comparing London in 1666 to London in 2020.

Now that we had an in-depth knowledge of the landmarks, we used chalk and slate slabs to draw famous buildings in London as well as attempting to draw the Crown Jewels! Not forgetting that in 1666, London had modest buildings. We used black strips to create rows of houses and oil pastels to draw fire in the roofs.

In Year 2, we have been using the iPads to practise our computing skills on 'Scratch'. Some of us created London as a background. Then, drew flames as our character and used instructions to make the flames move across the houses to re-enact the Great Fire of London.

Please click through the photographs to see our amazing hard work!

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