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Sandon Saints

Since implementation, the Sandon Saints have been a great success. We asked the children themselves how we could improve things further and they provided us with some great feedback!


  • Children wanted more Sandon Saints available. There will now be three each dinner time as opposed to two. 


  • Children wanted Sandon Saints to be even more visible. They will ensure they are all wearing their lanyards everyday of the week and not just on their scheduled day!


  • Children wanted a quieter space to speak to the Sandon Saints where they can also see them instead of the bus. Sandon Saints will now position themselves on the picnic benches with another of the Saints spread across the playground. If children can see that Sandon Saints are talking to/ helping a pupil at the bench we ask that they can use the other benches and areas of the playground to provide this quiet yet visible space. 



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