Take a look at what we've been up to this week at Sandon!
Little Sandon
This week we have enjoyed our favourite things, Christmas jumper day and opening our 1st door on our advent calendar.
This week we have filled Little Sandon’s sunshine room with colour! The children have enjoyed various Sensory and mark making activities such as, identifying shapes in custard, creating various patterns with tools, and manipulating lemon scented playdough.
This week nursery have been concentrating on mark marking and being mechanics to support looking at people who help us. We went maths crazy too, looking at 2D shapes and recognising numbers up to 10.
Reception are ready for lots of Christmas Fun , we have already written letters to Santa and started to write and make our Christmas cards 😀😀
Year 1
In year one we really enjoying getting into the Christmas spirit on Christmas jumper day. In our sets we have explored the moon on our iPads and used adjectives to describe it from our story: Sidney, Stella and the Moon.
Year 2
This Week in Geography, we have recapped the UK , it’s four united countries, capital cities and famous landmarks. We then looked at famous landmarks around the UK and sorted these into physical and human features. The children have wowed the year 2 teachers this week with their Geographical knowledge 🌏
In Science, children have been testing how stretchy different materials are for trousers for the three little pigs. We measured then before the test, stretched the materials and measured them again and compared the results.
Year 3
We’ve had an exciting arrival in year 3 this week! Jingles, Pud and Buddy have arrived to cause some mischief, the children have loved seeing what they’ve been getting up to so far!
In DT we have been continuing making our cushions. We have been attaching an appliqué patch and we have begun assembling our cushions by sewing the edges together with running stitch.
Year 4
Some fantastic discussion during literacy this week in, coming up with verbs and nouns that we can use in our Kenning (a type of poem) about our new guests on the farm!
Miss Colclough’s set have also been to visit the pigs to help us with our Kenning. After we’d visited them, we came back to class and sorted phrases into ‘yes it describes the piglets’ or ‘no it doesn’t describe the piglet’.
Year 5
In year 5 we learned about seed dispersal and different ways this can occur. We then went outside to try our hand at seed dispersal.
In RE we have been exploring how Christians still follows their beliefs today. We have considered the Ten Commandments and written our own to fit in with the challenges we face in the modern world today, for example ideas around pollution, bullying and homelessness.
Year 6
Year 6 have had another fantastic week! We have had our ‘Ancient Greeks’ Day which was brilliant! Lots of children dressed up and made excellent gods and goddesses. We did a range of activities including designing Greek Pots, creating Laurel wreaths, learning about Theseus and the Minotaur and making our own maze and even took part in some Greek dancing! We also used the VR headsets to explore the ruins of Ancient Greece. As always, Year 6 have been amazing and took part in every activity with lots of enthusiasm. Well done again!