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School Forms
If you require a copy of any information on our website, this can be provided free of charge from the school office.
Term Dates & Leave of Absence
For term dates for the current and next academic year, click on the links.
You will also find the leave of absence form that needs to be completed if you are taking time off from school and our attendance policy that explains our attendance monitoring procedure.
Please note leaves of absence from school are only authorised under exceptional circumstances.
Any unauthorised leaves of absence may result in a penalty notice warning letter and a possible fine.
Change of Circumstances
If you have a new contact number, have changed address or would like to inform us of any changes to you or your child's details - you can either download the form or collect a copy from the school office.
Free School Meals
If you think you are entitled to free school meals, you will need to complete an online form.
It is easier than ever to complete, as proof of entitlement is no longer required - just complete the form and your entitlement will be checked!
Administration of Medicine Form
Sandon Primary can administer prescribed medicine between 12pm and 1pm. Please complete the form in order for us to do this.